Freelancing Basics
Business Management Basics for Solopreneurs
How to run a business.
Marketing & Branding
Getting started and building an audience.
Social Media
Get the most mileage out of your podcast guest appearances.
Content Strategy
Strategy and trends.
I publish on three separate platforms because it works for me.
You don't have to work alone.
The best AI tools have a very specific purpose.
Cut through the noise with these simple tips.
Use tools that match the way YOU work.
Tactical advice for freelancers and solopreneurs.
Tips to get started.
And why you need one.
What I do every day.
Stand out from the crowd.
Make it easy for clients to pay you.
How to manage your workload and stay on track.
A year in review.
Do these things early in your freelance journey.
Start learning and planning.
The tools you need to launch your freelance business.
How to manage multiple channels.
Increase your visibility on LinkedIn.